Quote from: dr octagon on November 30, 2011, 02:27 amIf you are really concerned, get some diazepam (valium) and have a small dose if you are feeling overwhelmed.^ ^ ^ ^ Important enough to be repeated.Having a guide the first time you do a heroic dose of LSD or shrooms (and if you're not going to do a heroic dose, why bother!) is always a good idea. Ideally it would be someone with experience that's not going to freak out a lot if you freak out a little. Set and setting are very important as well for first timers. Find someplace cozy that you can retreat to, with a bathroom close by if needed. My first LSD trip was intense, some 35 years ago, and the pile of big pillows and blankets and a comfy chair my friend had prepared earlier was like a little piece of heaven. The only problem was the walk to the bathroom - you had to pass the 'evil' room. During the rest of the time it was a sewing room, but we all scrunched up against the wall opposite the door to it when heading for the toilet. That room was fucking malevolent, is what it was.